          Spoil brat "慣養嬌生笑你癡,菱花空對雪澌澌。好防佳節元宵後,便是煙消火滅時"(紅樓夢 第一回 甄士隱夢幻識通靈 賈雨村風塵懷閨秀)The reason 那僧向士隱"What" his daughter, must because he already sensed the way 甄士隱 raised his (The kids can only spoiled by male, they don't be spoiled by their mother, no matter how nice the mother may have treated her kids. This may explain how come Chinese used to say "嚴父[What 嚴父 means? Means he must like God discipline himself first, once married to that woman, he must have to show his love to that woman above anything, when he cannot love that woman above anything, he must have the honest guts to divorce her; that must mean th 東森房屋at woman must be a good woman love his duty like he must have to; that must mean he must have to love her duty like she must have to <賈寶玉 dad ##What 賈寶玉 dad should have had done to help his wife to do better instead of committing "越.Drew.Die.Power" crime? He should seperate his own family a significant distance from his own mom's roof, and he should have had hired all male workers to work for him and listen to him, and talk to him only, his wife must only need to focus on the kids only, he must have to come home to have meals every day in order to service his wife to have meals, b 酒店兼職ecause his wife must not be suitable to talk to anyone except her own man like she's the boss. A man must do all he can to spare his woman from having kids, once, he failed to do like that, he must have to lower his outside duty in order to be able to come home more frequently to service his woman at home. 賈寶玉 was born gifted talent, but totally destroyed because of his own mom too weak to defend her intitled right, because his dad and his dad's mom "7.Sun.Pot.U(gly)" lacked of the honest guts to respect a wife, a mom supposed intitled right at her own place. Keep in mind it supposed 賈寶玉's mom be the 室內設計 master of that house instead of 賈寶玉's dad's mom, as per Chinese man's rule, if 賈寶玉 's dad's mom could not face that fact, she should stay at her own room at herself to starve to die to avoid committing "Loud.Are.Boot.4.4.Way.賊" crime; or she should demand all her sons moving out of her house when anyone of them old enough to build his own home like that mom in the story "Three Little Pigs" did. Had 賈寶玉 's dad had done like I just mentioned, then 賈寶玉 would not have had to hide inside those "Inn.Sheng.Young.Swine" worm bed in order to rely on his grand mom to shield him from see 宜蘭民宿ing his dad, then, 賈寶玉 must have had better luck not to be forced to go to class under his dad force, or he must have had overcome his fear to offend his dad to grow up his own mankind power to exceed his dad's limitation.##and 賈寶玉dad's mom committed Chinese said "越.Drew.Die.Power" crimes to make 賈寶玉's real mom must have to go to hells along with her own son no way to know how long to take the time to get out of to see day light again.>, so that they can help each other to do better not ever to trap into following low lower lowest suck, that must mean he must have to do whatever he can to avoid making her must be a mom, once, it 結婚西裝 becomes unavoidable, he must make sure to watch, make her to do her mom duty faithfully, because once she becomes mom, her only good luck must have to rely on herself to do her mom duty faithfully, his love to her alone cannot be good enough to hold her from falling down. Even God cannot abuse his mighty to do the duty for her, not mention man must be fool unless he can see our True God's love. This may explain how come God must watch moronic like me face the hard time in my final numbered days, so that to show you how the least a mom must have to do to fit the first level on the floor to spare herself from falling down.] 慈母"@@嚴父慈母: Subject the Dad to the highest mora 苗栗旅遊l standard; mercy to the mother to the lowest level bottom line as long as she can fit the standard like harmless animal on the floor naively moronically**Therefore, you should know that I can act like a wiser to tell, not because of myself can, it must because my hardware compatible to the good ghost light, and I can have the American time to grow up enough to see that light all because I have earned extreme righteous Satan to stand in my side to spare me from dragon down, I can earn extreme righteous Stan to stand in my side, not because my current life suck, it must because my previous life light enough to have glorified Satan Pride, that how come you must do all you can to produce as many bright stars 關鍵字廣告 as you man power can do out of "Yan.Ill.Bi.Lay" pool, so that those bright stars can do come again to help mankind to get better life in many unaccountable tomorrows** like air headed dumber dumber+++Woman who bring her own kids to come to this world to meet every man and woman must have to meet deadly ahead, must be either dumber or evil doer, either one must have to stay at her own place to be watched or killed when anyone of them lack of the honest guts to see her own suck+++@@; that may explain how come you must demand the female does her mother duty, not to allow any female to leave their kids under male eyes too routine to ignored. That how come the story "Gone With Wind" that Scarlet's little daughter must 開幕活動have had to die that young, because that man that little called him dad too spoil her to leave any room to afford this earth to deal with her suck) daughter can only grow up monster alike spoil brat to dragon too more to afford to let it happening. When a spoil brat growing up rooted evil, you must have no way to deal with her but kill, because evil rooted cannot have the ability to sense any good to grow up, therefore, all she can have must be upside down srew into deepest dark dragon all her link go to the deepest hells; because spoil brat rooted evil must be "Moon.Zhong.5.Ren", and because spoil brat lack of the brain cell to competite to get what she wants in the positive way, therefore, she always use the dark darker da 九份民宿rkest "Sin.G" to dragon down to make no winner, she could not have the ability to win, she must make sure no winner; when a spoil brat rooted good, she can adjust her suck from time to time, if she can have the luck to have anyone better than her available friendly to her, otherwise, she must become extreme abuser to make every less good than her or lower than her all gone. This may explain how come Taiwanese and Japanese mother used to make sure their daughter can have the honest eyes to know woman is second to man to make sure they don't grow up any spoil brat by herself to dragon down all her links go to the deepest hells. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 結婚  .

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