          那位留亂碼的小姐,妳可不可以去死啊!幹!砍妳留言他媽的浪費掉我多少生命妳知道嗎? 那位留亂碼的小姐,妳可不可以去死啊!幹!砍妳留言他媽的浪費掉我多少生命妳知道嗎? Why I can have right to use English to pronounce Chinese? Because your official passport, your official immigration paper recorde 會場佈置d in USA officially all done like that to say, speak, write, call like that. Why you should do your duty to ban anyone from using Chinese words "支那-支那人" instead of " 中國-中國人" (支那人~支那彘~支巴子 at March 19, 2009 01:15 PM c 住商房屋omment ), because you use Chinese words to call China"支那" instead of 中國, showed you look down Chinese, showed you dislike Chinese, showed you hate Chinese, showed you don't have any good will to help Chinese to do better 酒店工作, you must have no right to use Chinese words as your communication tool. Anyone who can read write speak Chinese dare heartlessly see that sort of evil mind like nothing must be killed and go to hells rather sooner than later. ---------------------------------------------------------- 澎湖民宿-------------------------------------------------------------------"這個中華民國的體制是,國民黨所有,國民黨所治,國民黨所享的體制!" "光從目前對扁案的窮兇惡極滿門抄斬來看,台灣的司法系統遇到這種案件根本不可能保持中立,興票案的荒唐結果、美金案一審的荒謬,都一再證明 房地產國民黨還是在主導著台灣的司法部門!" SIRIUS at March 19, 2009 12:44 PM comment "這個中華民國的體制是,國民黨所有,國民黨所治,國民黨所享的體制!" 這個中華民國的體制是  國民黨members given their lives made for all Chinese citizen 所有  所治  所享, you 西裝外套 can have any good better best or evil eviler evilest eyes, they can give you all your ears and eyes, just see how they can understand what my poor English talking than those USA sucking Congress to figure out 國民黨 unselfish righteous guts. "光從目前對扁案的窮兇惡極滿門抄斬來看,台灣的司法系統遇到這種案件根本不可能保持中立,興票案的荒唐結果、美金案?系統傢俱@審的荒謬,都一再證明國民黨還是在主導著台灣的司法部門!" Blame your stupid bad ugly evil "ChenSway. 扁" 窮兇惡極 "吃.Sean.Nun.看"; "興票案(That case can show you how your less evil, good better best integrity, morally mankind may be eaten bonelessly, that how you all rich and famous, poor and nobody known, should all support my idea to return all your 澎湖民宿 national land right back to your military force, every citizen must have free reliable quality house with free reliable quality of water electricity phone internet line, so that no matter how good or how evil you are, your blood left behind can all have the least freedom to live or die like the rest of real animals do. )的荒唐結果" blame "Sung.True.Yu" committed cowardly personal loyalty 居酒屋to "John.Jean.國" left evil blood remaining behind. You are rich and famous, you must not have the shame to leave any your sucking evil blood behind to burden any your personal loyalty good slaves. "美金案一審的荒謬" I don't know what this case about, no comment.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 烤肉食材  .

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